Monday 7 February 2011

How to make the most of your weight loss program

If you're like most people, losing weight can seem like a losing battle with yourself, but it doesn't have to be with the right weight loss program and proper discipline. Yes, we know... disciplining yourself isn't always easy, especially if you're the type to make excuses after excuses. We've all been there.

You tell yourself you'll wake up an hour early to go for a jog, but by the time morning comes, you'd rather sleep in because you stayed up too late the night before. So, you tell yourself you'll go to gym during lunch time or after work, but that never happens because your too busy running errands and what not. Then you resolve to make it a late-night work out, but by the time night fall comes, you're too tired to engage in any physical activity and put it off until morning. And the cycle repeats itself just like that day in and day out. We get it.

So how do you create a weight loss program that works for you, and more importantly, how do you make the most of it? First off all, understand that it takes 21 days to develop a habit and once you've developed that habit, you won't want to break it because it becomes habitual for you. Keeping that in mind, a good source of motivation might be to weigh yourself in the morning. You see, your weight fluctuates throughout the day but you are at your lightest in the morning time, which serves as a good baseline to focus on. For some people, stepping on the scale serves as a daily motivation to get in shape or maintain they shape they are in.

As part of your new weight loss program, make it a happen to ditch the daily cup of caffeine and opt for a different type of energy boost we like to call endorphins. The problem with most weight loss programs is that we're trained to believe that we have to give something up or make sacrifices to achieve our weight loss goals, but this is kind of a negative approach if you really think about it. Instead of making a sacrifice (like giving up that daily mocha latte), resolve to make a replacement. Replace your old negative habits, which probably makes you fill jittery by noon time, with a new positive habit, which will probably make you feel rejuvenated and even energized instead.With that said, exercising after you step off the scale in the morning is probably the most optimal time of day to lose weight because you haven't taken in any calories just yet which gives your body a chance to burn of the fat stored in your body which is where you really want to focus on as part of your weight loss program.

Another suggestion to make the most of your weight loss program is to eat regular meals during the day. Following your body's natural cycle, or circadian rhythm, can make a huge difference and maximize weight loss. You should try to eat at least one hour within waking up and about four hours after that. Then you should have dinner around six hours later. And no matter how tired you are, don't fall asleep with a full stomach. There should be at least a three hour window between dinner time and bed time.

These are just a few ideas and words of encouragement to help you make the most of your weight loss program. At American Weight Loss Centers, we have several Orange County weight loss programs that you may find beneficial. Losing weight doesn't have to be a losing battle with our weight loss programs working with you and not against you. Call now to learn more at 949-831-9977

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