Monday 14 February 2011

Cardio and medical diet pills working together

Medical diet pills are by no means a cure-all weight loss solution. However, with proper diet, nutrition and exercise, medical diet pills have the potential to magnify the benefits of physical activity combined with an improved diet to help you lose weight at a faster rate than without medical diet pills. When cardio and medical diet pills collide, you improve your chances of losing the weight in no time.

Even though most of us are fully aware that we need to incorporate more cardio into our daily routines, we tend to brush it off because of our disillusions about cardio being such a drag. It's too hard or too boring and some of us just don't see it as a priority when it really should be. We don't want to run a full mile around the track. We don't want to break our backs lifting weights. And we certainly don't want to stare at a wall for 30 minutes at a gym. But did you know that cardio can actually be fun and worthwhile.

Adding more cardio into your routine doesn't have to be time consuming or wallet breaking. It doesn't have to be done at the gym, and a lot of times, you don't even have to leave home! Some of our daily activities like vacuuming or washing the car can turn into a fun little cardio exercise if you throw on some good tunes from your iPod.

The beauty of cardio is that you can turn any physical activity into a cardivascular activity if it meets two key principles: intensity and time. As far as intensity, it only counts as cardio if you elevate your heart rate to your target heart rate which is about 60-85 percent of your maximum heart rate, an ideal intensity level to get the most from your work out. As for timing, all you really need is 10 minutes of a high-intensity work out for it to be considered as cardio. Ideally, you want to engage in at least 30 minutes of cardio a day, but no one ever said it had to be done all at once. If you take 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch and 10 minutes before you got to bed, you'll have gotten your recommended dose of cardio for the day!

If you would like to maximize the results of any medical diet pills you are talking, then you need to start incorporating cardio into your daily routine.  When you combine medical diet pills with proper diet and nutrition and a solid work out plan, you will be more likely to reach your weight loss goals and even more likely to continue your weight loss program to keep the excess weight off and maintain your weight where you'd like it to be.

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