Saturday 26 January 2013

Resolutions & weight loss programs

One month down—how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? If you’re like the majority, you probably made losing weight one of your goals for the year. Hopefully, by now you’ve looked into weight loss programs, started eating differently and are getting some exercise.

If you’re having trouble sticking to healthy new habits and eliminating the bad ones, here are a few tips recommended by some centers for medical weight loss that will help you stay on track and keep your eyes on the prize.

Maintain a positive mindset
. Even if you strayed from the healthiest path here and there, you’ve got to believe in yourself and know that success is within in reach. While it’s important to follow most diets and weight loss programs closely, if you have a bad day and sin a little bit, get right back on track the next day without a second thought. We all have our moments, so don’t beat yourself when you indulge or slip up just a little bit.

Plan your meals. Instead of winging it every week, create a meal plan in advance that includes several healthy dinners per week, as well as low-fat, fiber-rich breakfasts, snacks and lunch. Once you’ve created the menu, you can write a grocery list and execute the meal plan with greater ease. This also gives you the chance to come up with some fun ideas and try new recipes.

Pack your lunch.
This one little habit will save you money and calories. Even packing your lunch three days a week will make a significant difference in your calorie count and nutritional well-being. Bring leftovers from your healthy dinner the night before, or grill up some chicken or fish and add it to a salad for a healthy meal that’s loaded with lean protein and fiber.

Get adequate rest. Centers for medical weight loss constantly stress the importance of sleep. Getting enough is extremely important for our health and well-being, and especially for weight loss. Make sure you get enough sleep so that you have energy to fuel your workouts and to stave off cravings that stem from your lack of sleep. Plus, many of us have a tendency towards late-night snacking—if you’re already in bed, you won’t be able to make that mistake.


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