Tuesday 27 March 2012

Easy weight loss programs and veggies

Vegetables are critical to having success with easy weight loss programs. While some people love getting their greens, others don’t enjoy them as much, if at all. Since eating vegetables is absolutely fundamental to weight loss, we’re sharing some ways that patients of our weight loss clinics have found to make getting your greens easy and delicious.

Most easy weight loss programs recommend that patients eat between eight and 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. While it may seem like a difficult task, the tips we’ve found make it easy and fun!
Get your greens in at breakfast—throw a mixture of vegetables in your omelets or scrambled eggs in the morning. This is an especially effective method for those who don’t like the taste of most veggies. Some great choices that are perfectly in line with any of the meal plans and menus recommended by our weight loss clinics include tomatoes, spinach, peppers, and mushrooms.

Call it a casserole. Mixed dishes are another great way to enjoy the flavor of veggies while keeping in line with any medical weight loss program. Add peas, carrots, cucumbers, kidney beans, green beans, tomatoes or any other veggies into a casserole or stew and the whole family will learn to love them.

Sometimes when patients use medical diet pills, they may not have the appetite they need to eat all their veggies, yet they need the nutrients. We often recommend that they get a juicer and disguise the “veggie” tastes with a base consisting of apple or pear juice. It may taste so good, you’ll forget there’s anything green in the mix.

Another way to enjoy veggies is by combining them into weight loss products that serve as meal replacements. Many of our patients incorporate tomatoes, onions and mushrooms into our soups, macaroni and cheese, or Fettucini Alfredo mix.

If you really like the idea of combining meal replacement-style weight loss products with vegetables while improving the taste of both, try pureeing and then mixing them in. Chop them up, toss them into a food processor and then add to everything that you can. Veggie purees can also be mixed into hamburgers, meatloaf and other ground beef and turkey recipes.

You can also supplement your quick weight loss plan by creating some rules for eating veggies. For example, you can make it a goal to fill half of every meal plate with veggies. This works best for people who truly enjoy vegetables, yet still struggle to get the portions or servings right. By filling half your plate, you can expect to get at least three solid servings of fiber while decreasing the entire calorie count of your meal.

For those who use medical diet pills, yet still get night time cravings, make it a rule to eat only raw veggies as a snack. Since they’re very low in calories and high in fiber, veggies are your best option for snacks. Plus, they have little or no effect on your blood sugar, so won’t keep you up any later. If you need a little pizzazz, dip them in salsa or balsamic dressing for a little low cal zing.

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