Tuesday 20 March 2012

Balancing medical weight loss programs with a busy work life

Even when you use FDA approved medical weight loss pills to assist with cravings, working full-time can wreak havoc on the best laid dietary plans. Often times, you rush off to work without eating breakfast, substituting coffee and lattes to give you energy and get you through your day. You grab something quick for lunch and end up feeling tired and lethargic by mid-afternoon. The next thing you know, it’s 4 pm and you’re reaching for the vending machines and slamming a Red Bull. Not ideal choices for achieving success with easy weight loss programs.

To experience successful medical weight loss, you need to have a strategy for eating healthy. The busier your day, the more likely you are to experience high stress and find yourself reaching for unhealthy, fattening snacks. When your nutrition is poor, it only makes for more stress and the chances of gaining weight and getting ill increase exponentially. This drives many clients to come into our weight loss clinics looking for easy ways to improve their work diets.

A great start is exactly that—never skip breakfast! Even if you’re not hungry when you wake up, your metabolism needs to rev up with some nutrition, preferably between a half hour and an hour of waking up. If you don’t have the time to make breakfast at home, then set up some breakfast food at work. Head to the office kitchen and heat up some oatmeal or eat some fruit and Greek yogurt. Add a cup of green tea and you’ve started your day off right.

Another great way to stay on track with medical weight loss programs is to always carry fruit with you and stash some at your desk. If you have delicious looking fruit sitting on your desk, it will be hard not to eat it by the end of the day. This will also help you avoid the vending machines!

Try to get out of the office when you can. Even if you only have 15 minutes, if you head outside for a brisk walk, it will help clear your head and boost your energy. This will give your metabolism an added boost and burn a few extra calories. Schedule it on your calendar if you have to.

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