Monday 17 June 2013

Avoiding common pitfalls of weight loss programs

Diets that focus on the quick fix set you up for failure because they can leave you feeling deprived, missing certain food groups or just unhealthy overall. It’s important to look for safe, easy weight loss programs that guide you towards a healthier lifestyle instead of just making quick moves that lead you to binge or gain the weight back when you “go off” a diet. The ultimate goal is to transform your lifestyle into one that’s healthy and manageable for the long-term so that you maintain your weight loss for life.

Here are a few reasons why weight loss clinics want you to focus on slow, steady weight loss rather than crash diets.

That feeling of deprivation. When you follow a strict diet or cut out entire food groups, such as fat or carbs, you may ultimately “fall off the wagon,” and succumb to a binge, which can derail the results of easy weight loss programs. More importantly, you will most likely suffer nutritional imbalances that can negatively impact your health.

You cheat one day and never return.  Every once in a while, we will stray from our diets. But giving into temptation one day doesn’t mean all *&^% should break loose.  One day is not going to destroy all your efforts. You have to think about the big picture and if you indulge yourself every now and then, just start fresh the next. Stay away from diets that are too strict—you’ll be more bound to stray and not be able to return to the good side.

After you “finish” your diet, you start gaining weight again. When you reduce your calorie count too much or eliminate certain food groups, this will affect your metabolism and ultimately slow it down. Then when you start eating normally again, you’ll gain weight unless your metabolism is reset. This is exactly why slow and steady wins the race—your body will slowly adjust to the changes you’re making so you can avoid a sluggish metabolism.  

Click here to learn more about the best weight loss clinics in your area.


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