Monday 26 November 2012

Get back on track with weight loss programs

So you overate a bit on Thanksgiving and indulged in some holiday treats. While you may be tempted to give up on any diets or weight loss programs you’ve been following, don’t do it! Even though you may have gotten off track for a few days, today is a new day and this isn’t just about weight loss, it’s about your overall health!

Stick to a plan. Start this week off right by planning your meals and snacks, and then go shopping for healthy foods and hunger satiating weight loss products. You should also schedule your workouts in advance and think hard about any potential times you can sneak some extra physical activity in. Are there any errands you can run on foot instead of driving? Where can you take the stairs instead of the elevator?

Don’t skip breakfast. No matter how busy you are and what else you’ll be eating all day, do not skip the most important meal of the day. When you skip breakfast, your body goes into starvation mode—this means it stores whatever fat is in your body and slows down your metabolism. Make a healthy breakfast of an omelet with veggies or steel-cut oatmeal with fruit. For those days that you wake up late and have to run out the door, have some weight loss products on hand that will serve as a meal replacement.

Clean it up. Make sure you’re eating as many healthy, whole foods as possible. Avoid any empty calories right now, and instead load up on fiber-rich foods like fruits, veggies and whole grains. The doctors and staff members at medical weight loss centers will be able to give you some more suggestions on the best types of foods to eat.

Drink plenty of water. Hydration is key to having success with weight loss programs. It helps to flush and detox your body, and often times, people confuse dehydration with hunger.

Strategize your workouts. While it may be tempting to stay out of the gym and instead join the droves that get back to their exercise programs after the New Year, don’t do it. It will be so much harder to get started again, and you may gain if you don’t work out, especially with the December holidays coming up. Do the opposite and instead up the ante on your workout starting today. Make sure that your program includes cardio work, strength training, and flexibility training such as yoga or Pilates classes.

Switch it up. It’s also an ideal time to add something new to your workout to switch things up so you avoid a plateau and to confuse your muscles. Maybe you’ve been wanting to try
group workouts, horseback riding, Zumba or Krav Maga—make those classes or lessons an early Christmas present to yourself and then schedule the classes as an unchangeable appointment.

Make a goal. We’re not talking about weight loss goals—those should have already been set by now. Instead, think about some way to challenge yourself like never before, like walking or running a 5K or competing in one of the muddy obstacle courses that are popping up everywhere. This will give you something to train for and look forward to participating in. *Do consult with a physician at whichever medical weight loss centers you’re working with, to make sure that your health will not be in jeopardy.

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