Saturday 29 September 2012

Superfoods for weight loss programs

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You probably know that eating low calorie foods help us lose weight, but do you know which foods also provide the proper nutrition? In order to stay healthy when following diets or weight loss programs, it’s very important to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Decreasing calorie count doesn’t mean you have to scrimp on nutrition. Work some of the foods below into your meal plan to get the most nutrients out of every dish.

Shrimp.With less than 100 calories per serving and no fat, shrimp is the ultimate food for weight loss programs. It’s loaded with protein and antioxidants, as well as vitamin D and selenium, which has been shown to help combat cancerous cells. Many people are under the impression that shrimp is not healthy because of its high cholesterol content, but it’s actually the “healthy” cholesterol that your body needs, rather than LDL cholesterol.

Dark chocolate. Patients of our weight loss centers are always thrilled to discover that small servings of dark chocolate can be factored into the meal plans of most diets and easy weight loss programs. The antioxidant flavonoids that dark chocolate contain can help decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease while preventing clogged arteries.

Eating chocolate releases serotonin, a chemical in our brains that can improve moods—what better way to have success with diets or easy weight loss programs than to be happy about following them? In addition, studies have shown that flavonoids may help to reduce blood pressure. We knew there was a reason why many weight loss products like protein bars and smoothies are made with dark chocolate!

Cherries.  New studies show that the levels of anthocyanins in tart cherries can lower blood sugar levels, improve cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cherries pack the power of weight loss products—they reduce the body’s ability to store fat in the liver and can satiate a sweet tooth. In addition, cherries have been shown to help the body recover from injury and workouts faster.

Tomatoes. Weight loss centersrecommend both red and orange tomatoes because they are packed with the antioxidants lycopene, niacin, folate and vitamin B6, which help to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration and cancer. They also have significant anti-inflammatory benefits that make them critical to anti-aging efforts. Their high concentration of
antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin A work to combat the damage caused by free radicals and help ward off diabetes and atherosclerosis.

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