Wednesday 30 May 2012

Tips for easy weight loss programs

There are some obvious keys to success with easy weight loss programs: eat less and try to burn more calories than you take in. As easy as that sounds, weight loss ultimately requires the transformation of your entire lifestyle. The good news is that battling bulge can be made easy with a few tricks that we like to share at our weight loss clinics.

Hydrate with water and no-cal beverages. Often times, we may feel like we’re hungry when we’re actually just thirsty. Make sure to drink between six and eight glasses of water per day, and fill up on green tea and beverages with little to no calories. If water is too boring for you, add a splash of juice, lemon or lime. There are also many weight loss productsavailable that can be added to your drink for a little flavor without the calories.

Only eat when you’re actually hungry. Our bodies signal our brain when we’re hungry, letting it know it’s time to fuel up. If you want to succeed with easy weight loss programs, make sure you’re experiencing physical signs of hunger and not cravings.  A way to keep this in check is through portion control—our stomachs are small organs that are easily filled up. Look at the examples of portions at our weight loss clinics to get an idea of what is considered reasonable. When you’re finished, wait 20 minutes or so for your stomach to have time to signal your brain that it’s full. Before you know it, you won’t even be thinking about food.

Have protein in every meal. Protein is more filling and satiates our hunger longer than fats or carbohydrates. We recommend that patients of our weight loss clinics, even those who use FDA approved weight loss pills for appetite control, eat a higher percentage or protein and moderate their carb intake, limiting it to what are considered “healthy” or complex carbs. 

Many weight loss products are primarily protein—think about the popularity of protein shakes and bars. They’re used to stave off hunger and provide nutrients when you are experiencing hunger in between meals. Other forms of protein like Greek yogurt, certain nuts, vegetables with hummus and almond butter are also healthy snacks that don’t add too many calories to your diet. 

In addition, protein is also essential for preserving muscle mass, revving up the metabolism and burning fat. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your fat burn. Getting enough protein in your diet can almost be as effective as FDA approved weight loss pills when it comes to appetite control.

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