Monday 28 November 2011

Why easy weight loss programs are better than unhealthy diets

Unhealthy dieting is extremely detrimental to both your health and metabolism, causing even greater weight gain in the long run. Our easy weight loss programs are about eating healthy foods and revving your metabolism naturally, so you can avoid the undesirable consequences of a poor diet. At our weight loss clinics, we ensure that clients eat the necessary nutrients and calories, and only use FDA approved medical weight loss pills if it’s safe for them to do so.

When you go on a diet that is too low in calories, it’s probably devoid of the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Whether you’re on a quick weight loss plan or are using various weight loss products, it’s crucial to eat nutritious food.

Here are some of the consequences of unhealthy dieting—if you follow one of our easy weight loss programs, you’ll be able to avoid these undesirable outcomes.

Fatigue and Illness. When you don’t eat enough calories or are fasting, for example, you may suffer from fatigue, dizziness, nausea or headaches. You’ll lack the energy to get through your day and will basically become miserable. Clients of our weight loss clinics and healthy B.M.I. centers have shared horror stories about how they felt when they were on an unhealthy diet.

Binges. When you eliminate all your favorite foods, you’ll experience feelings of deprivation. The next thing you know, you’re trying to make up for everything you’ve been missing out on. This even happens to those using FDA approved medical weight loss pills and weight loss products. Plus, if you consistently skip meals, you may not be able to fall asleep due to intense hunger, and can end up late night bingeing.

Muscle Loss. The best quick weight loss programs incorporate protein, and when you’re not getting enough, your body will start to consume its muscle mass. Protein is necessary to build and repair tissues—we just cannot do without it.

Mental Health Issues. When you’re not eating right, it’s easy to get moody and irritable. When you suffer from low energy, headaches, dizziness or nausea, this can cause feelings of depression. With a healthy quick weight loss plan, these kind of issues should never arise.

Weight Gain. Bottom line— unhealthy diets cannot be sustained for the long term. While you may feel okay for the short term, you’ll eventually need to start eating regularly again. The point of a safe quick weight loss plan is to develop healthy habits that you can sustain in order to maintain the weight loss. Extreme dieting doesn’t allow you the time to do that.

Even when you’re working with quick weight loss programs, you have to adjust your diet gradually. Incorporate workouts and cut just a few hundred calories per day, as opposed to a thousand. This is the safe, effective route that we recommend at our quick weight loss centers.

At our medical weight loss centers, we also work to help clients identify their eating patterns so they can tweak them to be healthier. This is the best way to achieve long lasting weight loss.

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