Tuesday 28 June 2011

Surviving Party Weekends Without Breaking the Scale

The 4th of July is here—and with it, barbecues, parties and endless invitations to imbibe! It’s a time to celebrate and we all know that parties are not easy when you’re watching your diet and trying to stay in line with easy weight loss programs or a quick weight loss plan. Instead of dreading the aftermath, arm yourself with a plan to enjoy in a healthy way.

With a little bit of forethought and a few tricks, it can still be a holiday to remember!

Start Slow
Don’t start nibbling until you’ve been at your event for at least a half hour. You may get so involved with conversation and socializing that food will be the last thing on your mind.

Savor Every Bite
Enjoy the spread—but follow the tenets we share with you at our weight loss clinics: eat and drink slowly to allow yourself to enjoy every single taste on your plate. It takes approximately 20 minutes for our brains to register that we’re full, so if you eat slowly, you will feel fuller and won’t want to finish your plate. Plus, when you eat more slowly, you’ll chew your food more thoroughly, which leads to better digestion. Even when you’re working with FDA approved medical weight loss pills or other weight loss products, it helps to slow down and think about what you’re doing.

Just Say Yes
Don’t deny yourself your favorites! The more you hold back, the more likely you are to continue thinking about your favorite foods and ultimately binge, even when using appetite suppressants. The key is to be selective and make each indulgence count. If you’re craving pie, have it—but don’t eat cookies just because they’re in front of you. Chances are you’ll fill up on stuff you don’t like AND eat your favorite when it pops up in front of you. You’ll end up rolling home with a few extra pounds if you indulge in mediocre choices.

Don’t Leave Home With An Empty Stomach
Have a light snack before you go out for the evening or to holiday parties. Enjoy a little bit of soup, Greek yogurt with fruit, or some of the weight loss products available at our medical weight reduction institutions beforehand—that way you won’t find yourself grazing at the buffet table all night. Tres tacky!

Hydrate, Hydrate and Re-hydrate!
Filling up with water not only boosts your metabolism, it makes you eat less and helps prevent a hangover. Have a glass before you leave your house, and if you’re drinking all night, have a glass of water between each drink. If you overindulge in martinis, make sure to stock up on Pedialyte and Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes. If you are using FDA approved medical weight loss pills as part of one of our quick weight loss programs, hydration is a key component that should be a priority anyway.

Smaller Portions
Grab a small plate when you hit the buffet. A bread plate is dainty and cuter to hold, and also slows you down on stuffing yourself with hors d’oeuvres. Plus, you won’t feel super cool refilling the plate 10 times, so that will help you keep yourself in check. At your next visit to one of our weight loss clinics, check out our examples of healthy portion sizes.

Peruse the Healthy Options
As tempting as it is to go straight for the high-caloric, fatty foods, help yourself to low-fat, nutrient-rich foods first, such as fruit, colorful veggie platters, beans and any form of protein. It will help you eat less of the unhealthy stuff—plus when you do, you’ll eat them more for their flavor than to satisfy your hunger. Bottom line: eat from the food groups suggested by easy weight loss programs, while letting yourself indulge a little.

Keep it Moving
Squeeze a workout or two in during the holiday weekend. It helps alleviate some of the guilt, gives you some alone time, and energizes you for all your activities! Most importantly, it will help metabolize all the food you will be consuming and put you in a good mood.

Keep it Clear
Really pay attention to what you drink. It’s pretty hard to pass up the bubbly—but try to stay away from creamy drinks and fancy chocolate martinis. Two mixed drinks can contain as much as 500 calories and one cup of eggnog is around 380 calories. Yet two glasses of cider or white wine have only 300 calories. If you’re poison falls in the liquor category, then keep this rule in mind: the clearer the liquor, the less toxic and fattening. So a vodka soda is your best bet, while a Jack and Coke is sugar-ridden. When it comes to mixers, stick to soda, if you can. Adding some lemon and lime will give it a refreshing twist that is easy to get used to. Juices and tonic have a lot more sugar, which leads to more calories and a worse hangover. If you are working with medical diet pills or weight loss products as part of a quick weight loss plan, make sure to check with a physician at one of our medical weight loss clinics to make sure that it’s safe to drink alcohol.

Get support and info about medical weight loss programs and FDA approved weight loss pills at our Pasadena medical weight loss center or one of our Orange County medical weight loss clinics. Visit www.AmericanWeightLossCenter.com to find a location near you.

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