Sunday 23 June 2013

5 Tasty treats for easy weight loss programs

Many dieters mistakenly believe that to lose weight, they have to live on celery sticks and rice cakes. This is not the case at all! There are many safe and easy weight loss programs that include mouthwatering foods that are healthy for you and enjoyable. Here are some delicious recommendations that were approved by medical weight loss centers and their members.
1.      Oatmeal. Oats are one of the most appetite-satiating foods you can get. A whole grain food, oatmeal is digested much slower than any other carbs, and therefore helps regular blood sugar and keep you fuller longer than other foods. Plus, just one cup boasts eight grams of fiber. For best results, opt for steel cut oatmeal and add fruit for an antioxidant-rich breakfast that’s ideal for easy weight loss programs.

2.      Avocados. Technically a fruit, avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated, aka “healthy” fats, which are packed with the hormones that keep you feeling full for hours on end.

3.      Lean, grass-fed beef. Who says a hamburger can’t be healthy? Grass-fed beef packs a serious protein punch, which helps us develop the lean muscle mass that ultimately makes our body burn more calories overall (the more muscle you have, the higher your caloric burn). Opt for grass-fed whenever you can.

4.      Greek yogurt. This tangy treat boosts your energy, curbs your appetite and delivers approximately 20 grams of protein per seven-ounce serving. It’s a favorite among members of medical weight loss centers, because it makes an excellent substitute for many calorie-laden foods. Drizzle it with honey or eat it with sliced bananas, berries or pomegranate seeds. Use it as a dip for sliced apples or pears, or as an alternative to mayonnaise and other creamy indulgences. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how easily it works with other foods.

5.      Popcorn. While we’re not talking about the salty, butter-laden popcorn you get at the movies, this whole grain curbs hunger like few other foods. Make your own air-popped version for a low-calorie snack—season it with chili powder for a spicy treat or cinnamon to curb a sweet tooth.
Click here for more info about easy weight loss programs.


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